Many thanks to our participants and to our Amazing Speakers.
Our October conference finished with rave reviews from all those who participated!
The NAMTPT is a NCBTMB Approved Provider of Continuing Education for Massage therapists.
Our 2024 NCBTMB Approved Conference provided
19.5 CE hours for massage therapists
Our 2024 Conference;
Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy: Innovative Techniques to Reduce Pain and Restore Muscle Function
The world's leaders in the treatment of and understanding of myofascial pain, myofascial dysfunction and Fibromyalgia shared cutting-edge treatment options as well as insightful concepts.
Registrants actively participated in treatment trade sessions so as to learn hands-on techniques.
Questions? Send an email to: Mary Biancalana, Conference Chair
Thursday October 24th: Pre-Conference Workshop with Shannon Goossen (Non-CE event)
8:30am to 4:00pm
Frequency Specific Microcurrent FUNdamentals for the Nervous System: Current CNS Research With Practical Applications for FSM Practitioners
6pm on Thursday 10/24/2024 through 12 noon on Sunday 10/27/2024
(Keep scrolling down this page to learn more!!)
Agenda for Thursday October 24th
4 pm NAMTPT 2024 Conference Begins!
4-6pm NAMTPT Conference Registration, Networking, Visit vendors, review products
4:45 - 5:45 pm Full, Hot Dinner buffet and "Get to Know You" activities
At 6pm the Educational Content begins: The entire conference is 19.5 CE hours
The NAMTPT is a NCBTMB Approved Provider of Continuing Education for Massage Therapists.
6pm-7:00pm Mary Biancalana: New Research on Myofascial Pain (1 CE hr) In this presentation, we will learn about new research published on the treatment and understanding of myofascial pain, trigger points and fibromyalgia.
7:00pm-8:30pm Nancy Shaw; History of the NAMTPT and of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy (1.5 CE hr)
In this presentation, Nancy Shaw, one of the founding members of the NAMTPT, will present a historical perspective on the formation of our organization and the development of the profession of myofascial trigger point therapy based on the work of Janet Travell, MD and David Simons, MD.
8:30 - 9pm Shannon Goossen: The Missing Perpetuating Factor. (.5 CE hr) In this lecture Shannon Goossen will share her conversation with Dr Janet Travell on taking the field of myofascial trigger point therapy forward into the future. One of Shannon's most memorable moments, was having a personal conversation with Dr Travell while at a train station. She had so many questions for Dr Travell, While patting Shannon's knee, Dr Travell said, "Have patience, they just found out there's muscles." Shannon has patiently and passionately learned so much over the last 29 years and tonight will begin sharing the perpetuating factors that were yet to be discovered back then, but based on current research and insights, are clear as day today.
Thursday provides (3) NCBTMB Approved CE hours for massage therapists
9pm-onward... Non-CE event: Socializing and treatment trade in our classroom.
Agenda for Friday October 25th
8:00 am – 12 noon
Hands-on Treatment Techniques (Our group will be divided in 1/2 and each will learn from both instructors in 2-hour segments. Instructors will repeat their session twice.)
Presenter #1 Richard Finn
Title: Supportive Trigger Point Therapy for Organ Dysfunction (2 CE hr)
Description: A relationship exists between spinal segments that supply organs, nerves, and muscles via shared pathways. A dysfunctional organ will refer a point of maximal tenderness to an area of the skin that it shares a spinal segment with. This same segment will innervate muscles as well. Treating the skin, muscles and spinal segments is supportive of the associated organ. This will be discussed, demonstrated, and practiced in this class.
Learning Objectives: Participants will
Presenters #2
Julie Zuleger, PhD, and Mary Biancalana, MA
Title: Improving Treatment Outcomes! Adding Distraction Techniques to Myofascial Trigger Point and all types of Manual Therapy Sessions (2 CE hr)
Description: In this hands-on participation session, Dr Julie Zuleger and Mary Biancalana will have participants use many types of distraction techniques. The licensed massage therapist / myofascial trigger point therapist should be employing these techniques during treatment sessions. We all know that by distracting the golgi, pacini, and subdermal sensory receptors, the client is better able to to allow for normalization of contracted muscle and fascial segments, thereby reducing pain/sensation. We will learn about various distraction techniques including; heat, percussion, jostling, contract/relax or post-treatment assisted stretching. Students will receive a take-home QR code sheet with links to at-home practice videos prepared by Mary and Julie.
Learning Objectives
12- 1pm Hot lunch buffet, networking and meet with vendors
1-2:30 David Lesondak
Lecture Title: I want to Believe; Fascia Facts and Fictions (1.5 CE hr)
In today’s culture of information overload and influencer malarkey it’s never been easier to find exactly the answers you want to believe in, even if it’s those answers are not true. In this lively, informative and fun-filled talk, there’s even a game show, you’ll be introduced to some fascia fallacies, get good advice on how to approach research and improve critical thinking skills and get the latest fascia research including a deep dive into the wonders of the superficial fascia which may be way more crucial to getting good results than previous realized.
2:45-4:45 Shannon Goossen
Lecture Title: Your Brain, your muscles, your fascia and communication: Conjunction… junction, what’s your function? (2 CE hr)
( Yes, you have to sing it) In this lecture, Shannon Goossen will outline how the brain, the spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system each have a direct impact on the myofascial system. She will demonstrate based on current neuroscience research how the NeuroMyoFascial system is a reflection of the health status of nervous system and how novel myofascial trigger point therapy techniques can help restore and optimize the central nervous system
(We really DID learn everything we needed to know in elementary school through the "School House Rock" songs...!)
Friday provides 7.5 NCBTMB Approved CE hours for massage therapists
4:45-5:30pm Town Hall Discussion (Non-CE event) This one hour discussion session is open to all interested practitioners. We will have open ideas exchange for topics influencing our profession, the study of and understanding of myofascial pain and dysfunction as well as topics relating to our association.
5:30 - 6:15 Relax and get ready for a fun evening
6:15-7:30pm Dinner for all registrants! A hot and healthy buffet dinner will be provided to all conference registrants.
7:30-10pm Social event; The amazing abdominals and QL! : A study in traditional belly dancing and the integration of intrinsic abdominal muscles. Cash bar and dancing juice available for purchase. Bring a belly dancing skirt, a coin skirt, or anything fun that you want to flip and twirl
10pm - ???
Informal socializing and treatment trade
Agenda for Saturday Oct 26th
8:00 am – 12 noon Hands-on Treatment Techniques (Our group will be divided in 1/2 and each will learn from both instructors in 2-hour segments. Instructors will repeat their session twice.)
Presenter #1 Amber Davies (Amber Davies, as you may know, is the daughter of Claire Davies, the original author of the Trigger Point Therapy Workbook. Amber was trained and directly mentored by her dad, and has really taken the trigger point therapy workbook into the 21st century. Amber worked long hours on her third edition update to the book, carrying on the legacy her father built.
Topic: Manual Treatment Round-up: 8 Hands-on Techniques to Release Trigger Points (2 CE hr)
Description: Different health conditions, levels of sensitivity, and patient expectations require a variety of tools and some creativity when providing Hands-On manual therapy. In this program, we will explore a whole range of approaches used in the field of manual and massage therapy.
Presenter #2 Stew Wild
Topic: To Breathe, or Not To Breathe? Manual therapy techniques for the abdominals, pecs, scalani, lats and SPI (2 CE hr)
An Homage to Leon Chaitow, DO, ND
Description: It seems simple enough. Inhaling/exhaling about 10 times a minute moves about 13 pints (3-5 liters) of air. Repeat up to 15,000 times a day. But how well do you breathe? Can you breathe better? Attendees will measure how many breaths they take per minute; how long of a breath hold (the record is 22 minutes), and will learn about ‘bucket handles’ to measure rib expansion, and discuss abdominal organ massage.
The things that can go wrong include hyperventilation, paradoxical breathing, mouth breathing, hypocapnia, sighing and yawning, tension and stress, and along the way explore the case of the hyperventilating chickens.
Attendees will learn It seems simple enough. Inhaling/exhaling about 10 times a minute moves about 13 pints (3-5 liters) of air. Repeat up to 15,000 times a day. But how well do you breathe? Can you breathe better? Attendees will measure how many breaths they take per minute; how long of a breath hold (the record is 22 minutes), and will learn about ‘bucket handles’ to measure rib expansion, and discuss abdominal organ massage.
The things that can go wrong include hyperventilation, paradoxical breathing, mouth breathing, hypocapnia, sighing and yawning, tension and stress, and along the way explore the case of the hyperventilating chickens.
Attendees will learn manual therapy techniques to assess our clients, monitor, treat and improve the muscles and fascia that have an impact on the breath. We will learn neuromuscular treatment techniques for the rectus abdominus and the diaphragm; the pectorals and the scaleni; the latissimus and serratus posteriorinferior, intercostals and the levator costari.
Integrated with our Manual therapy techniques also includes stretching the rib spaces (thread-needle, banana stretch) approaches like HiLo breathing, Shavasanna pranayama, nostril breathing, and ocean breathing. * to assess our clients, monitor, treat and improve the muscles and fascia that have an impact on the breath. We will learn neuromuscular treatment techniques for the rectus abdominus and the diaphragm; the pectorals and the scaleni; the latissimus and serratus posterior inferior, intercostals and the levator costari.
Integrated with our Manual therapy techniques also includes stretching the rib spaces (thread-needle, banana stretch) approaches like HiLo breathing, Shavasanna pranayama, nostril breathing, and ocean breathing.
12- 1pm Hot lunch buffet, networking and meet with vendors
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm: Keynote Speaker Jay P Shah, MD
Lecture Topic: Topic:
Myofascial Trigger Points and Central Sensitization in the Neuro-Matrix of Chronic Pain: Exploring their Enigmatic Pathophysiology, Dynamic Clinical Manifestations and Novel Strategies for optimizing Patient Outcomes (2 CE hr)
this interactive, thought-provoking and clinically impactful lecture will explore the dynamic and pivotal roles that myofascial trigger points (MTrPs), sensitization, limbic system dysfunction and associated objective/quantitative physical findings play in the evaluation and management of chronic myofascial pain syndrome (MPS).
An important dichotomy in the current literature is whether the MTrP is a cause or effect (chicken or the egg?) of chronic MPS. The emerging research in basic and clinical neurosciences informs novel directions in the clinical diagnosis and management of MPS.
3:00 - 3:45 Break, Meet and greet vendors and other participants
Saturday provides (6) NCBTMB Approved CE hours for massage therapists
3:45 -4:45 pm NAMTPT Annual Business Meeting (Non CE Event) Only current NAMTPT Members may attend this meeting.
4:45-6:30pm Relax and get ready for dinner
6:30 pm Cocktails (Cash Bar)
7 pm -12 am NAMTPT Awards Gala Dinner and Dancing
At this dinner, we will be honoring our founding members, all those who have served in any capacity for the NAMTPT, all past and current members. We will also be honoring our new members. Program of events begins at 7pm, dinner served at 7:30.
Agenda for Sunday October 27th
9am- 10:30 am
Presenter Dr Mark Passamonti, MD
Topic: Self-applied Pressure Release as the MELT Method (1.5 CE hr)
Description: We have had the great honor to have Dr. Passamonti present for us during our Zoom-broadcast conferences, now we get to meet him in PERSON! We all know that the goal of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy is to eliminate pain and restore full range of motion, strength and function to muscles. Well, that cannot be done passively. We need to apply pressure release to ourselves and correctly stretch key muscle groups. Dr Passamonti is a MELT trained instructor and this modality is a great addition to what we already do as Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists. During this participation workshop, we will review muscular anatomy, as well as trigger point locations as we use specific MELT application techniques. We will also focus on stretch and ROM after the MELT pressure release has been applied.
**All registrants will receive a set of MELT treatment balls in their participant shoulder bag as our gift to you.
10:30 - 12 noon Vicky Magown: Fascial Dysfunction and Relationship to Myofascial Pain Syndromes (1.5 CE hr)
In this lecture, Vicky Magown, NAMTPT Founding Member and MyoTherapy practitioner for 38 years, will teach us the overlap of myofascial trigger points, the Stecco's Fascia Points and Tom Meyers' Fascial Lines. We will understand key concepts in the most recent understanding of fascia, the dysfunction in densification of fascia, and the value of knowing how each of these structures overlap and interplay.
Sunday provides (3) NCBTMB Approved CE hours for massage therapists
End of our Event!! @ 12 noon Thank you for participating, our 40th anniversary conference is over.
Questions? Send an email to Mary Biancalana, Chairperson:
Hotel Information
Sheraton Pittsburgh Airport Hotel
1160 Thorn Run Road, Coraopolis, Pennsylvania, USA, 15108
Tel: +1 412-262-2400
We have a block of rooms reserved and have procured a special hotel rate for our registrants. Click on the below link. (If you are arriving before or staying after, those days are included in our group rate pricing. So call the hotel directly to reserve your room)
Here is a photo from our 30th Anniversary Conference event held in Chicago IL, Conference Chariperson, Mary Biancalana
Questions? Send an email to Mary Biancalana, Chairperson
NAMTPT | National Association of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists | All Rights Reserved |
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