The NAMTPT's is deferring our 2025 Conference event to the Fascia Research Congress! 

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A logo for the national association of myofascial trigger point therapists

The NAMTPT is proud to be working in collaboration with the Fascia Research Society to help make their 2025 Fascia Research Congress a huge success.  The NAMTPT will not be hosting our own educational event in 2025. We want all our members and contacts to register for  the Fascia Research Congress.

This event will have world-renown experts in all things "fascia"

The NAMTPT is a NCBTMB Approved Provider of Continuing Education for Massage therapists, and we will be sponsoring the CE hours for the Keynote Speakers and hands-on segments of the Fascia Research Congress. Our CE application is in process and more info will be forthcoming.

 Click here to go to the Fascia Research Congress official website

Click here to book your hotel for the FRC

       The world's leaders in the treatment of and understanding of myofascial pain, muscle and fascial dysfunction will be at the FRC sharing new and bold research concepts, cutting-edge treatment options as well as insightful hands-on techniques.

Some great things about this congress:

  1. Daily morning exercise and fascial stretching
  2. Fascianating lectures by world leaders
  3. Lunches (3) and light Gala Reception food included in cost
  4. 2.5 hrs of break-out rooms with hands-on, demo, or experiential opportunities each day
  5. Hotel rooms are only $139 per night
  6. Dedicated time each night for hands-on exchange
  7. NAMTPT will have private meeting space for our Town Hall Meeting as well as our Annual Membership Meeting
  8. Opportunity to collaborate and learn from practitioners from all over the world!
  9. Vendors with unique products and ideas.
  10. Your NAMTPT Board Members are working side by side with our dedicated colleagues at the FRS/FRC and we will be helping to facilitate this huge event.    Click here to go to the Congress  daily agenda

      Questions? Send an email to: Mary Biancalana, Conference Chair


A national certification board approved provider for continuing education for therapeutic massage and bodywork.

FRC is hosting many Pre- and Post-Conference Workshops

             Click on the above link to learn more!

                                            Fascia Research Congress Hotel Information

The FRC Committee has a block of rooms reserved and have procured a special hotel rate for registrants. Click here to go to their registration link.  

A large group of people are posing for a picture at a party

Here is a photo from our 30th Anniversary Conference event held in Chicago IL, Conference Chariperson, Mary Biancalana

                       Questions? Send an email to Mary Biancalana, Chairperson

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