A woman with short brown hair and blue eyes is smiling for the camera.

Julie Zuleger, Phd


Julie Zuleger, Ph.D. has over 25 years of experience as a Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Strength, and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), Corrective Exercise Specialist, RYT-500 Yoga Instructor, and Human Movement Specialist. Julie promotes self-care using massage tools and stretching-based programs and teaches continuing education courses for yoga teachers, massage therapists, athletic trainers, strength and conditioning, fitness, and wellness professionals. Julie holds a PhD in Education and is the Director of Kinesiology and Education at Tiger Tail USA.

Presentation:  (Taught by Dr Zuleger and Mary Biancalana): Improving Treatment Outcomes!  Adding Distraction techniques to manual therapy sessions

In this hands-on participation session, Dr Julie Zuleger and Mary Biancalana will have students using many types of distraction techniques. The licensed massage therapist / myofascial trigger point therapist should be employing these techniques during treatment sessions. We all know that by distracting the golgi, pacini, and subdermal sensory receptors, the client is better able to  to allow for normalization of contracted muscle and fascial segments, thereby reducing pain/sensation.  We will learn about various distraction techniques including; heat, percussion, jostling, contract/relax or post-treatment assisted stretching.


  1. Learning Objectives
  2. The student will learn how to apply percussive techniques using the Myofascial trigger point clinical model.
  3.  The student will be able to describe characteristics of golgi, pacini and ruffini tendon organ receptors.
  4. The student will demonstrate how to apply the distraction techniques to the key trigger points and taut fiber bundles causing the problem.
  5.  The student will discuss and understand the concept of optimal length/ tension relationship in muscles and fascia in clients presenting with myofascial pain and dysfunction. 

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