Shannon Goossen owns a private practice in Jacksonville, FL. She is president of Comprehensive Myofascial Therapy Associates, established in 1996. In 2016 she led a team of pain practitioners transitioning a new medical microcurrent device into the pain management community. She teaches nationally about FSM (Frequency Specific Microcurrent) and offers web-based training opportunities through In Florida, Shannon is a Licensed Acupuncture Physician, Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist. Shannon has a bachelor's degree in biology and graduated from Hendrix College in 1986. Shannon graduated from the Pittsburgh School of Pain Management (1997) and from the Classical Acupuncture Institute in 2001. Shannon is a recognized national expert in treating myofascial pain and disfunction. Shannon has collaborated with her husband, an orthopedic spine surgeon, for over 18 years demonstrating the effectiveness of applying integrative medicine concepts in clinical practice and during pre and post-operative periods with enormous success. She is a contributing writer to two textbooks (Clinical Mastery in the Treatment of Myofascial Pain 2004, Clinical Application of Neuromuscular Techniques 2005) and has had several articles published on spinal disorders, myofascial pain and dysfunction and clinical evaluation.
Shannon is an award-winning clinician and gifted provider. She uses all types of bio-physical devices including dual channel microcurrent, single channel microcurrent and PEMF. Many of her cases are published in the 7th and 8th Annual Microcurrent Case Conference Proceedings for which her presentations were awarded 1st place in 2013. She served on multiple boards including the NAMTPT executive committee (Vice President & President) from 1999-2004, the international editorial board for the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapy (2001-2012). Additionally, She has been presenting at national meetings since 1999 and offers regular CEU workshops on subjects including myofascial pain & dysfunction, spinal disorders and rehabilitation, neurological screening and evaluation.
2:45-4:45 Friday
Lecture Title:
Your Brain, your muscles, your fascia and communication: Conjunction… junction, what’s your function? (Yes, you have to sing it)
In this lecture, Shannon Goossen will outline how the brain, the spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system each have a direct impact on the myofascial system. She will demonstrate based on current neuroscience research how the NeuroMyoFascial system is a reflection of the health status of nervous system and how novel myofascial trigger point therapy techniques can help restore and optimize the central nervous system
(We really did learn everything we needed to know in elementary school through the "School House Rock" songs…!)
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this lecture, participants will
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