A woman wearing a blue turtleneck and earrings is smiling for the camera.

Nancy Shaw

More about my Practice

College in scientific studies at the University of Nebraska allowed me to be included in anatomy lab classes, regular and advanced kinesiology, exercise physiology, advanced functional analysis for 5 years of training with the goal to work with handicapped children. A master's degree in counseling and psychology followed.

10 years High school teaching -then to Virgina in the Washington D. C. area. Tutored anatomy at George Mason University. Taught at the YWCA with handicapped persons and became aware of the trigger point treatment for chronic muscle pain in the work of Janet G. Travell, MD. Learned of and studied the medical approach of trigger points established by Dr. Travell. Led to the introduction to Dr. Travell directly while searching for her autobiography. Following an invitation to visit, I was invited to study directly with her, beginning immediately. Thus began 13 years of an incredible learning gift.

Nancy opened The Myofascial Pain Treatment Center in Va., followed later by the Shaw Myotherapy Institute, a 9-month full time training program for Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy. Founder of NAMTPT

Recipient of the "Travell Soft Tissue Management Award" from the American Academy of Pain Management (1993). Personal Therapist for U.S. Heptathlete for the 1996 Olympics.

During her years with Dr. Travell, she co-authored "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching Myofascial Pain Syndrome" included in Richard Weiner's "Pain Management; A Practical Guide for Clinicians", co-authored "Multidisciplinary Approach to Focal Dystonia" included in "Clinical Mastery in the Treatment of Myofascial Pain; Articles published in "Guitar Classic" and "Keyboard Classic"; "Ladies Home Journal" Perpetuating Factors, and Featured in "Life Magazine" for Trigger Point work on Leon Fleisher, World renowned Pianist". Authored "The Travell Stretch Program" (3 tape set) Williams & Wilkins (1992) Interviewed by CUTV News Radio in New York regarding the Trigger Point Treatment   Guest Presenter for

Australian Pain Society and University of Sydney

Nancy consistently traveled weekend for The Dogwood Institute, teaching Trigger Point therapy throughout the United States with clinic work during the week.

1990 Offered a position of 10 months in Perth, Australia with the opportunity to expand the Trigger Point Treatment and Training Program.

During the ensuing years, she spent several weeks a year, for 7 years, teaching therapists and treating patients in Norway at a Rehabilitation Facility. She also had trips to Switzerland teaching, and treating patients.

Authored, 2013, "SIMPLE CHANGES TO END CHRONIC PAIN" 174 pages on covering perpetuating factors that Dr. Travell delineated as 75% of her treatment protocol to eliminating trigger point pain. Included 3 separate Supplement booklets on: "Head, Neck, & Shoulder", "Back & Hip", "Knee, Ankle & Foot.

2020-Present During Covid her practice successfully shifted to zoom patients throughout the U.S. addressing patient perpetuating factors, establishing corrections and stretch retraining programs. Currently clinic, writing projects and lecturing

keep her busy.


Nancy L. Shaw, MTPT, has been the Director of Myofascial Pain Treatment Center, Springfield, VA, for 39 years.  She is the founder of National Association of Trigger Point Therapists and a professional lecturer and teacher both nationally and internationally. Nancy is also the author of "Simple Changes To End Chronic Pain," available on Amazon.

Presentation: Friday October 25th, 7:00pm-8:30pm

History of the NAMTPT and of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy

In this presentation, Nancy Shaw, one of the founding members of the NAMTPT, will present a historical perspective on the formation of our organization and the development of the profession of myofascial trigger point therapy based on the work of Janet Travell, MD and David Simons, MD. 

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