A man with a beard is wearing a purple shirt and smiling.

David Lesondak


David Lesondak, BCSI, ATSI, FST, VMT is an Allied Health Member in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC).

He serves as the Senior Structural Integrator and Fascia Specialist at UPMC’s Center for Integrative Medicine.

He is a Board Certified Structural Integrator, Anatomy Trains Structural Integrator,  Frederick Stretch Therapist, Fascial Fitness Trainer, and Visceral Manipulation.

David is the author of the international best seller Fascia: What it is and Why it Matters, now in its 2nd edition. His follow up book, Fascia, Function, and Medical Applications was nominated for a 2021 British Medical Association award. He has also contributed to the 2nd Edition of Fascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body, the 2nd edition of Metabolic Therapies In Orthopedics, and the 4th edition of Joe Muscolino’s Kinesiology.

David sits on the Executive Committee of The International Consortium on Manual Therapies.

He hosts the podcast Body Talk with David Lesondak which has listeners in 95 countries.

Presentation :  I want to Believe; Fascia Facts and Fictions

(1.5 NCBTMB Approved CE Hour)

In today’s culture of information overload and influencer malarkey it’s never been easier to find exactly the answers you want to believe in, even if it’s those answers are not true. In this lively, informative and fun-filled talk, there’s even a game show, you’ll be introduced to some fascia fallacies, get good advice on how to approach research and improve critical thinking skills and get the latest fascia research including a deep dive into the wonders of the superficial fascia which may be way more crucial to getting good results than previous realized.

Learning Objectives

In this session, participants will:

1) Participate in exercises and get tools to improve their critical thinking skills.
2) Improve their ability to read and understand research.
3) Review key clinical concepts regarding what we verifiably know about fascia.

4) Understand the importance of the superficial fascia in positive therapeutic outcomes.

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