Myofascial Pain Syndrome Basic Science
Presenters: Jay Shah + John Srbely (USA + Canada)
Course Description: Dr Shah and Dr Srbely will outline teach key concepts to the current understanding of pathophysiologic mechanisms driving the chronic nature of Myofascial Pain Syndrome. Biochemical, mechanical, systemic and physical properties of muscle and fascia will be discussed.
Course Schedule 8:30 AM - 3:45 PM
Course Duration 7 Hours 15 minutes
Presenter: Federico Giordani (Italy) and Wolfgang Bauermiester (Germany)
Course Schedule: 8:30 AM - 3:45 PM
Course Duration: 7 Hours 15 minutes
Course Description:
Shockwave treatment (SWT) is gathering more and more interest in several medical fields thanks to its regenerative and stimulating effect on tissues. This workshop is focused on SW application on myofascial tissue. It presents the basic principles of shockwaves, classification, biological effects and provides an introduction to the Fascial Manipulation method. Clinical examples and practical demonstrations will be provided. Finally, the participant will be asked to apply theoretical notions in practical activities.
Presenter: Levant Ozcakar + Carmelo Pirri (Sonosite) (Turkey + Italy)
Course Description:This workshop will serve to explore the underlying sonographic aspects of different anatomical structures and translate these findings to highlight novel directions in the diagnosis and management of pain. Following this workshop, the participants will: understand how to use the US imaging to discover the real pain generator in different clinical and rehabilitative situations, highlight the US anatomy of different soft tissues that can act as pain generators, adopt a diagnostic algorithm for assessing different soft tissues i.e. US examination, and get acquainted as regards US guidance for various interventions.
Course Schedule: 8:30 AM - 3:45 PM
Course Duration: 7 Hours 15 minutes
Trigger Point Management
Presenters: Mary Biancalana + Renee Hartz (USA)
Course Schedule: 8:30 AM - 3:45 PM
Course Duration: 7 Hours 15 minutes
Course Description: This workshop is designed to provide the participants with various skills and tools to reduce pain and improve function in patients with Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. Non-drug interventions will include various cutting edge electro-medicine devices, trigger point injections, hands-on manual therapy techniques and self-applied, home-care activities.
Innovation and Technology: Delivering Multidisciplinary Pain Care in the 21st Century
Presenters: Ajay Wasan + Kayode Williams (USA)
Course Description: This workshop is designed to provide the participants with an insight into the progress made with Value-Based Care in the United States and the importance of various outcomes reporting tools/registries in facilitating the delivery of effective multidisciplinary multimodal care. The workshop will provide a historical background of Value-Based Care, highlight some of the major registries currently in use in the US and Europe and demonstrate how to operationalize the tracking of patient outcomes into clinical practice to drive high-quality care and thus high value care.
Course Schedule: 8:30 AM - 3:45 PM
Course Duration: 7 Hours 15 minutes
Transformative Care for Myopain: Enhancing Long-Term Success of Managing Myofascial Pain and Fibromyalgia
Presenters: James Fricton + Ginevra Liptan (USA)
Course Description: More than half of the persons seeking care for pain conditions still have pain 5 years later despite treatment due to lack of training patients in reducing the many patient-centered risk factors that lead to delayed recovery and chronic pain. Transformative care for myopain conditions solves these barriers to integrating treatment of fascial tissues with training of patients using on-line technology and telehealth coaching. This course will focus on training participant the following objectives: 1) The Importance of preventing chronic pain and addiction, 2) Diagnosing myofascial pain and fibromyalgia 3) Understanding risk factors and protective factors that drive myopain conditions, and 4) Apply a transformative care model to successfully manage myopain conditions by integrating patient training with treatment. This is a clinical course on how to implement and be reimbursed for transformative care as part of routine treatment of myopain conditions
Course Schedule 8:30 AM - 3:45 PM
Course Duration 7 Hours 15 minutes
Live Hands-on Dissection Course
Carla Stecco (Italy)
Class size is limited to 25 participants so register early
This is a 2-day workshop running on both Wednesday and Thursday. The aim of this anatomy lab, especially devoted to the topic ‘‘fasciae’’, is to find some answers to several rather specific questions concerning fascial anatomy:
– Deep muscular fascia is a dense, regular connective tissue similar to an aponeurosis, as suggested by some
authors, or it is an irregular loose connective tissue?
– Inside the deep fasciae can we recognize different regular sublayers, or are the fasciae composed of
intertwined bundles of collagen fibers?
– How are the deep fasciae related with the underlying muscles?
– Does the superficial fascia exist? Does it have a specific structure, or not?
– What is the role of the extracellular matrix, and in particular of the hyaluronic acid component?
– Could fasciae be considered elastic tissue? What is the percentage of elastic fibers within fasciae? Are there
regional variations?
– Are fasciae innervated? And what type of receptors could be recognized within fasciae?
– Do fasciae have a role in proprioception and in peripheral motor coordination?
Course Schedule: 8:30 AM - 3:45 PM for each day
Course Duration: 7 Hours 15 minutes x 2-days
5:00 pm - 6:30pm
Check-in of registrants. Welcome Reception, Networking & Visit to the Anatomic Theater
Location The Anatomical Theater, Bo Palace (This is the photo next to this text)
Official IMS Congress Registration Open Networking, Meet and Greet Fellow registrants.
Appetizers and drinks will be served.
Discuss our work with like-minded practitioners.
Meet the Vendors.
Learn about new products.
The IMS does not specifically endorse any products nor specific viewpoints presented within our conference schedule. We respect each person's right to free speech and open and professional dialog and discussion.
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Opening Ceremony Aula Magna, Bo Palace
The History Of Padova University
Presenter Professor Raffaele De Caro
We are proud to be celebrating with this magnificent University their 800 Year Anniversary!
End of Scheduled events for Thursday
Registration 8:00am - 8:30am
USA Spinal Sensitization
Jay Shah (National Institute of Health, USA)
Course Schedule 8:30am - 9:00am
Central Sensitization
Presenter John Sberly (University of Guelph, Canada)
Course Schedule 9:30am - 10:00am
Fascial Component in MPS
Presenter Antonio Stecco (New York University, USA)
Course Schedule 10:00am - 10:30am
Course Schedule 10:30am - 10:40am
Coffee Break (electronic posters presentation)
Course Schedule 10:40am - 11:10am
Development of Biomarker for Objectification of MPS
Presenter Dinesh Kumbhare (University of Toronto, CAN)
Course Schedule 11:10am - 11:40am
(Right of this text is photo of BO Palace, location of opening ceremony)
Oral Presentations of Poster Abstracts
Course Schedule: 11:40am - 12:30pm
Course Schedule 12:30pm - 12:40pm
Lunch (buffet) (electronic posters presentation)
Course Schedule 12:40pm - 2:10pm
Ultrasonography Signs of Pain
Presenter: Levant Ozcakar (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
Course Schedule 2:10pm - 2:40pm
Onsite Management of Occupational Myopain Conditions in Information Technology Professionals
Presenter Deepak Sharan (India)
Course Schedule 2:40pm - 3:10pm
Long Term Results after Spinal Stenosis Surgery
Presenter Olavi Airaksinen (Kuopio University Hospital and University of Eastern Finland)
Course Schedule 3:10pm - 3:50pm
Course Schedule 3:50pm - 4:00pm (Right of this text is location of Gala Dinner)
Coffee Break (electronic posters presentation)
Course Schedule 4:00pm - 4:30pm
Historical Review of Biopsy Studies of MTrPs
Orlando Mayoral del Moral (Spain)
Course Schedule 4:30pm - 5:00pm
Physiological Effects of Dry Needling
Barbara Cagnie (Ghent University, Belgium)
Course Schedule 5:00pm - 5:30pm
Trigger Shock Wave Therapy and the Trigger Point Ultrasound Elastography.
Wolfgang Bauermeister (Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine)
Course Schedule 5:30pm - 5:50pm
Course Schedule 5:50pm - 6:00pm
End of Congress Programming for Friday
8:00am - 8:30am
Management and Classification Criteria for Fibromyalgia
Presenter Ernest Choy (University of Cardiff, UK)
Course Schedule 8:30am - 9:00am
Gut Microbiomes in Fibromyalgia
Course Schedule 9:30am - 10:00am
Presenter Amir Minerbi (Rambam Institute for Pain Medicine Israel)
Epigenetics in Fibromyalgia.
Course Schedule 10:00am - 10:30am
Presenter Renee Hartz (USA)
Course Schedule 10:30am - 10:40am
Coffee break (electronic posters presentation)
Course Schedule 10:40am - 11:00am
Autoimmune and Immunology Connection in Fibromyalgia
Presenter Andrew J. Holman (University of Washington, USA)
Course Schedule 11:10am - 11:40am
Fibromyalgia Treatments
Presenter Ginevra Liptan (Oregon Health & Science University, USA)
Course Schedule 11:40am - 12:30pm
Oral Presentations of Poster Abstracts
Course Schedule 12:30pm - 12:40pm
Course Schedule 12:40pm - 12:50pm
Lunch (buffet) (electronic posters presentation)
Course Schedule 12:50pm - 2:20pm
Multidisciplinary Pain Care
Presenter Ajay Wasan (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
Course Schedule 2:20pm - 2:50pm
Physical Therapies in Pain Management
Presenter Stefano Masiero (University of Padova, Italy)
Course Schedule 2:50pm - 3:20pm
Coordination of Collaborative Care Practice
Presenter Kayode Williams (John Hopkins, USA)
Course Schedule 3:20pm - 3:50pm
Course Schedule 3:50pm - 4:00pm
Coffee break (electronic posters presentation)
Course Schedule 4:00pm - 4:30pm
Chronic facial pain and headache
Presenter Robert Gerwin (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Course Schedule 4:30pm - 5:00pm
Temporomandibular, Orofacial Pain and Comorbid Pain Conditions: Clinical Management.
James Fricton (University of Minnesota, USA)
Course Schedule 5:30pm - 5:50pm
Myofascial Pain in Migraine and Post-Traumatic Headache
Presenter Michael Sorrell (University of Massachusetts Medical School. USA)
Course Schedule 5:50pm - 6:00pm
Discussion and Conclusion
Course Schedule 5:50pm - 6:00pm
Gala Dinner at Caffe Pedrocchi
6pm - Midnight
This beautiful restaurant is one of the oldest Cafe's in Europe. A 7-course meal including wine and appetizers will be served, followed by music and dancing.
Cocktails; Cash Bar
6:45pm: Program starts
7:30pm: Dinner served. Menu includes:
Raw Veneto PDO with melon bites
Campania buffalo mozzarella with cherry tomatoes and basil
Carpaccio of magatello with parmesan flakes
Octopus with potatoes, olives and cherry tomatoes
Salmon carpaccio on a bed of salad
Slice of gourmet pizza
Fresh salad with vegetables
Black rice with shrimps and courgettes with mint
Mint-scented zucchini risotto
Sliced roast beef with side dishes
Dessert: Mignon pastry and Fresh fruit mirrors
Pedrocchi coffee
Wine selection Cantina Pedrocchi
Non-alcoholic Pedrocchi mineral waters
8:30pm to Midnight: Fun and Dancing for All!
End of IMS 2022 Congress Programming
We are grateful you chose to join us at this wonderful congress.
Optional Day Trip to Venice
COST: 110 Euro / Based on total # of registrants
(Fiera di Padova, Hall 11) with 4 private GT coaches (by Rigato).
17.30 Boarding of the passengers and return to Fusina pier by boat and then by GT coach to Padova.
18.30 Arrival in Padova and end of the service
Call Mary Biancalana, IMS 2022 Conference Co-Chairperson, at her clinic
The Chicago Center for Myofascial Pain Relief in the USA. #773-628-7654 or send an email to
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