The NAMTPT is a NCBTMB Approved Provider of Continuing Education for Massage therapists.
Our Live-ZOOM Conference will be held on Friday, October 7, 2022 from 9am to 4pm and Saturday, October 8, 2022 9am to 5pm Central Standard Time, USA
"2022: Myofascial Pain Treatment: Practical Hands-On Techniques for a Successful Practice"
In this world-wide broadcast, live, interactive Zoom webinar, the world's leaders in the treatment of and understanding of myofascial pain, myofascial dysfunction and Fibromyalgia will share cutting-edge treatment options with participants.
**(NCBTMB event approval in-process)
Registrants will learn from leading experts in the field and will be able to actively participate in manual therapy techniques in the comfort of their own home or office.
** Recordings WILL be available to watch after the event if you cannot attend live. (NCBTMB approved CEs will only be available to those who attend live, as that is the type of CE we have applied for). This is a very valuable learning experience, so watching after the event is still a excellent option no matter what.
NAMTPT Annual Conference
Friday 10/7/2022 through Saturday 10/8/2022
Times listed are in Central Standard Time, USA
(Keep scrolling down this page to learn more!!)
Agenda for Friday October 7th, 2022
9:00 am – 12 Noon Mary Biancalana
Lecture topic: "Advanced Myofascial Trigger Point Techniques for The Adductors: Let’s Rethink the ThighMaster! The Adductors are not for squeezing the knees together!"
** All participants should have a client/family member with them from 10 am to 12 noon, so as to participate in the hands-on skills.
This 3 hour hands-on experience, will focus on treatment techniuqes for the adductors. An elusive group of muscles that can contribute to tons of dysfunction at the knee/hip/low back. We will treat and discuss other symptoms that can be caused by the adductors including urinary frequency, pseudo bladder infection, testicular pain, knee pain, and chronic hip pain.
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm: Break for Lunch (Keep Zoom Meeting open, camera off)
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm: Janet (Travell) Street
Lecture Topic: The Legacy of Janet G Travell, my grandmother. Looking ahead to the future. In this course, we will learn from Janet (Travell) Street about the historical importance of her grandmother, Dr Janet Travell.
We will outline key dates in the history of the development of the field of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy. It is really important to preserve the history of the field of myofascial trigger point therapy for future generations of massage therapists, and we can play a part in this mission!
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm: David Edelberg, MD Medical Director of Whole Health Chicago, and author of the book "Healing Fibromyalgia; Why everything hurts and how to feel well again"
Lecture Topic: Healing Fibromyalgia; Key insights All Practitioners Need to Know About Fibromyalgia
In this course, David Edelberg, MD Medical Director of Whole Health Chicago, and author of the book "Healing Fibromyalgia; Why Everything Hurts and How to Feel Well Again" will outline important new information on treating fibromyalgia and chronic myofascial pain and dysfunction.
4:00 pm Conclusion of First Day of Conference. 6- hrs of CE
Agenda for Saturday Oct 8th, 2022:
9:00 am – 11:00 am:
Instructor: Mike Pilney
Topic: Self-Applied Trigger Point Pressure Release: Helping YOU and Your Clients To Feel Better and Have Improved Muscle Function
Hands-on Participation
~ Hands-on Demo (Registrants are expected to have self-care tools at this time to practice the hands-on skills. Backnobber, Jacknobber, 5" Tiger Ball, or a 5" FitBall, stretching strap, tennis ball)
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Instructor: Mark Passamonti, MD
Lecture Topic: MELT Method: A Neurological / Myofascial Self-Treatment
~ Self-care (Registrants are expected to be actively participating in this segment. )
During this session you will learn about:
• The clinical underpinnings of the MELT Method
• How simple treatments can be used pre and post trigger point treatments to help with tissue hydration
• How simple treatments can help extend the effective duration of your treatments in between appointments
• How the more advanced aspects of MELT Method – MELT Neurostrength – can help to stabilize critical areas in the body in order to help clients achieve significant pain reduction in their daily life.
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm: Break for Lunch (Keep Zoom Meeting open, camera off)
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm:
Instructor: Shannon Goossen
Lecture Topic: Neurotransmitters and New Brain Science; Better You….Better Patients
We will take a deep dive into updated Brain Science, and how knowing a few key facts can help you be a better you!
Learn the role that neurotransmitters play in our health, sleep quality, focus and attention.
Learn novel new ways to modulate your neurotransmitters and those of your patients/clients.
This course will be a fun-filled, “how to” class that also takes an entertaining look at who we are and what quirky personality traits we each may have.
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm:
Instructors: John Zlatic, James Mauser and Sarah Earnst-Edwards
Lecture Topic: Case-based Learning; The Mystery is in the History “the Wisdom of Janet Travell” Sharpen your clinical reasoning skills by reviewing specific case examples and uncover the mystery reasons their myofascial problems still persist.
4 unique case examples by experienced Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists, John Zlatic, James Mauser and Sarah Earnst-Edwards
In this lively multi-case presentation, we will all be the detectives!
Saturday; 7 CE Hours
Mary Biancalana, MA, CMTPT, LMT
Mary Biancalana, Owner & Director of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy for Chicago Center of Myofascial Pain Relief (Now merged with Whole Health Chicago), has excelled in the fitness and education field since 1983. A lifelong athlete and exerciser, Mary possesses a unique blend of skills and training that sets her apart. She holds a B.S. from DePaul University in Teaching Physical Education and a Master’s Degree in Education from Northeastern Illinois University. She also holds four State of Illinois teaching licenses and is an American Council on Exercise Certified Personal Trainer, a Nationally Board-Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist, and a Licensed Massage Therapist. She is the current President of the NAMTPT, and Secretary on the Board of Directors for the IMS, International MyoPain Society.
She is the founder and developer for, a learning platform for high-quality, advanced courses teaching myofascial trigger point therapy techniques.
Hands-on Topic:
Advanced Myofascial Trigger Point Techniques for The Adductors: Let’s Rethink the Thigh Master! The Adductors are not just for squeezing the knees together!
Adductor Magnus, Brevis, Longus, Gracillis, pectineus, pirymadilis. Learn which muscle often works when its not supposed to and is known as "The Fourth Hamstring!" Let's not forget to think about the hip/leg in three dimensional space, so we will address the abductors as well as internal and external rotators of the leg/hip.
Registrants are expected to have a client or family member present starting at 9:30am CST, through 12 noon, so as to participate and practice the hands-on techniques as shown in this practicum.
Shannon Goossen, AP, LMT, CMTPT
Shannon Goossen, AP, LMT, CMTPT travels all over the world teaching and has a home base in Jacksonville, FL. She is president of Comprehensive Myofascial Therapy Associates, established in 1996. She teaches nationally about FSM (Frequency Specific Microcurrent) and offers web
based training opportunities through
In Florida, Shannon is a Licensed Acupuncture Physician, Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist. Shannon has a bachelor degree in Biology and graduated from Hendrix College in 1986. Shannon graduated from the Pittsburgh School of Pain Management (1997) and from the Classical Acupuncture Institute in 2001. She is board certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (Diplomate), the Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy National Board, and previously, the Academy of Integrative Pain Management (Fellow).
Lecture Topic:
Neurotransmitters and New Brain Science; Better You….Better Patients
This workshop will offer a “deeper dive” into Neurotransmitters. Learn the role that neurotransmitters play in our health, sleep quality, focus and attention.
Learn novel new ways to modulate your neurotransmitters and those of your patients/clients.
This course will be a fun-filled, “how to” class that also takes an entertaining look at who we are and what quirky personality traits we each may have.
Mike Pilney and Sue Dimbert, Instructors
Sue Dimbert Biography: Sue’s philosophy is one of a total body approach to care. Looking at pain relief from a total body approach is unique to the therapy world and appeals to her belief that we are a series of complex systems working in union. She loves learning about the systems of the body and putting it to use to help relieve pain and tension, and provide greater mobility. Sue's in-clinic, ongoing training with Mary Biancalana enhances the quality of my practice of myofascial trigger point therapy and fuels my passion for learning.
Sue is a member of the American Massage Therapy Association and is an Associate Professional-Allied Member of the National Association of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists, and a member of ACE: American Counsel on Exercise Certified Personal Trainers Association.
Mike Pilney Biography:
Mike Pilney is a Myofascial Trigger Point Specialist and Licensed Massage Therapist specializing in Fitness and Sports Muscle Function Optimization. His experience as a lifelong athlete brings a different perspective on traditional Myofascial Trigger Point work. He believes Myofascial Trigger Point therapy/Self Care is essential to achieving true health. His enthusiasm for understanding root causes and his genuine interest in helping people feel and function better are the primary reasons he is proud to practice at CCMPR.
Lecture Topic: Application of Self-Trigger Point Pressure Release: Helping Your Clients Feel Better and Have Improved Function
Janet (Travell) Street, BS
Janet Street is a digital marketing agency owner, and the granddaughter of Janet Travell. She combines her passion for trigger point therapy with her enthusiasm for helping practitioners grow their businesses and reach more people in need of pain relief. Ms. Street is co-founder at The Janet Travell Foundation, and an honorary member of NAMPTPT. She edited and designed a biography of Dr. Travell, “Janet Travell, M.D., White House Physician and Trigger Point Pioneer,” written by her mother, Virginia Street. Janet and Virginia currently post articles and family history of Dr. Travell on the Janet Travell MD Facebook page and on the newly created Janet Travell Facebook page and Foundation.
Lecture Topic: The Legacy of Janet G Travell, my grandmother. Looking ahead to the future.
Dr David Edelberg
Dr. Edelberg, board certified in Internal Medicine in 1974, began incorporating alternative therapies into his practice during the 1980’s. Since founding the parent company of Whole Health Chicago in 1993, he has become nationally recognized as one of the pioneers of integrative medicine, the medical specialty that combines conventional medicine with alternative therapies.
Author of hundreds of articles and author or editor of five books of integrative medicine; his most recent books have been the bestselling “Healing Fibromyalgia” and “The Triple Whammy Cure”.
Click here to view or buy Dr Edelberg's book Healing Fibromyalgia
Click here to view or buy Dr Edelberg's book The Triple Whammy Cure
Physician – Internal Medicine
Medical Acupuncture, Medical Pain Management
I am an Internal Medicine physician practicing in the Army since graduating medical school in 1993. Over the last 13 years of my career I have focused on caring for wounded, ill and injured Soldiers at Walter Reed's Medical Center. During that time I have gained significant expertise in treating chronic pain using non-allopathic techniques. I became a licensed medical acupuncturist in 2014, and then learned about the MELT method during a Department of Defense sponsored pain skills training. I am currently a Level 2 instructor for the MELT Method, and find it really helps my clients expedite their healing and recovery. Unlike most physicians, I love treating clients with chronic pain, because I have the training and tools to maximize facilitating their healing journey.
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC), Bethesda, MD 10/2021 -11/2021 and 3/2022 - 7/2022 – 20 hours per week
· Medical Acupuncture, Pain Management Clinic, WRNMMC – Contractor
Perform full range of acupuncture techniques – needling, cupping, guasha, and additionally used frequency specific microcurrent concurrently with acupuncture, along with neuro-myofascial mobilization techniques.
Full Time:
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC), Bethesda, MD (6/2008 – 6/2021) Grade Level: GP-15/YG-02
· Primary Care Physician, Soldier Recovery Unity (SRU), Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC), Bethesda, MD (02/2014 – 6/2021 ),
Serves as a Board-Certified Internal Medicine expert for the Soldier Recovery Unit – a specialized multi-disciplinary treatment center for wounded, ill, or injured Soldiers. Cares for Soldiers with complex medical, surgical, and psychiatric needs. Performed Primary Care duties, as well as pain management using medical acupuncture, and medication management
The Mystery is in the History
John Zlatic
James Mauser
Sarah Ernst-Edwards
Lecture Topic: Case-based Learning; The Mystery is in the History “The Wisdom of Janet Travell”
4 unique case examples by experienced Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists, John Zlatic, James Mauser and Sarah Earnst-Edwards
In this lively multi-case presentation, we will all be the detectives!
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